Friday, January 31, 2020



Based on proverb given : The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence….
everyone has something hidden inside just like Cady, a happy girl that is always smiling in public. Cady is a college student in a popular school so she thought a smile is always necessary. Find out the route that Cady will take. Will she have a happy ending? A sad ending? Or a bad ending... Find it out through the story. So start Reading!

 Chapter 1: Hidden Tears in a Smile
 In a sunny day, just like always Carly is spending her free time with her friends, Gina and Trixie. They are talking at the canteen while waiting for their next doss. Trixie noticed a handsome guy passing by wearing glasses and it seems like he's lost, so Trixie decided to talk to that guy.
"Um, is there a problem??" Trixie asked politely and the boy looked at her. Trixie was stunned when she saw the face of the boy. "OMG!! He's so handsome" in her mind.
"Actually I'm looking for someone, cloy. know Cady Evans??" with a smile.                           
"Yeah, she's my friend and she's with me, look there at the table wearing a black hairband" pointed Cady to the boy.
"Ok, thanks, I need to talk to her.." replied by the boy.
They walk to Carly's table and the boy introduced himself, He's Dan and in the same doss with her. He needed to pass some papers to Cady because Cady is the representative of her doss.
"OK thanks, just leave it to me, I'll finish this" Carly said with a soft tone.. "I can help you with that if you want" "Thanks you'll be a great help, want some fries?" "Sure thanks, let's get started then" smiled to her then started to work with the papers.
 "Umm Carly, we'll be going now, class coming up" Gina said hastily and left immediately.. Cady noticed Dan is looking at her, Cady asked Dan if something is on herface but Dan just gave a short laugh and smile. Carly got annoyed and started checking the papers while eating.
They finished just in time before the next doss starts. Cady thanked Dan for helping her and Dan said the same thing and asked her if it's alright if they go to their classroom together. Carly just agreed since Gina and Trixie is not with her.
While walking Cady noticed Dan's sad eyes and asked him if he has any cold or fever because he kinds looks sad and weak. Dan just told him its because of the sun and laughed. Carly just ignored it and went on their way. They reached the classroom with shock.
Chapter 2: A smile I can’t forget
Class is already starting and its an exam, they knock and apologized to the teacher and they got scolded but took the exam anyway. They have 90 minutes left and sat next to each other. Time passed and it's near the deadline.
Dan finished first then Cady followed, Dan yawned and the teacher got annoyed and once again Dan apologized with a smile on his face. Cady keep staring Dan and Dan noticed her stares and asked her if she has anything to say to him.
"Why do you always smile when you get into trouble?" Carly asked in low volume because the exam is still going on.
"It's because—" the bell rang and it's time for their next subject, After that Cady can't find the ported timing to ask Dan about it.
For the rest of the day Dan and Cady are together and spending time together, enjoying every moment they have with each other because they have the feeling that they won't have this kind of experience ever again, time passed fast and its already 4.
Dan asked Cady if he can walk her home and Carly agreed because the area is a bit dangerous especially at night. They went to the parking lot and got in the car. It's a black car with a built in music system.
While on the way home, Dan played some soft music, it started raining outside. Carly collected all her courage to ask Dan why he is hiding his sadness and keep smiling. She wants to know more even if it takes stepping in is privacy.

Chapter 3:When we say a goodbye!!!
Dan took a glance at Carly while driving. "Yes?" Dan replied with nervousness evident in his tone. "Why do you hide your sadness and continue to smile?" Dan laughed a little and spared a glance at Carly. He knew it was coming to this point. "It's because I don't want others worry about me" ,he started in a calm voice, took a deep breath before continuing.
well you see I lost my parents when I was 1.2 and my brothers left me at my aunt and never came back, my aunt died lastyear" he paused because the road went right and its hard to see in the rain.
"I keep smiling because now I began to like someone and that someone is sitting right nextto me" He stopped the car and looked at Cady with a smile on his face.
He leaned in and kissed Carly on her lips. Cady was shocked and left the car in panic.
"W-wait, Carly I didn't meant to surprise you" Dan ran up to Cady outside the car while the rain is pouring hard.
"It's not that!! Dann I like you! Not just now but for a very long time, you just don't notice me." she faces Dan with her hands covering her face.
"when you were in the library reading, I gathered my courage to come close to you but as soon as I sit down you left, you must have forgotten or you didn't know because I was wearing glasses before and braces —"Cady paused for a while, catching her breath.
"W-wait, so you're saying the girl wearing pink eyeglasses that always hangs around the library, the girl I always observe, look up, my first crush is.. you??" Dan expressed his thoughts to Carly with shock..
"Then.." tears falling on Carly's face, embarrassed she crossed the road without looking tor passing vehicles. Dan followed her but a super-fast Vehicle was crossing and Cady was hit.
Dan carried her to the hospital and went to the ER. Dan contacted Cady's parents and notified them. The doctor suddenly came out the ER and said Cady needed a surgery right now and a heart transplant because she has a weak heart and she needs it to survive.
Dan said the doctor he would give her his heart but he needs a little time to write something, time passed and it's time for the surgery. Cady's parents thanked Dan in advance and bid him goodbye. The surgery was a success and Dan passed away.
After a month Cady woke up and her parents told her what happened. Cady was too shock to hear what happened and ended up in tears. Her mother gave her the letter left by Dan in his last hours. She opens the letter and mad what's inside.
"Dear Carly Evans, myangel, mysaviour and my love, may you have my heart and live a long life, /may not be at your side but in your head I'm here. Have a long happy life and live with a family you can love. It's my own decision so you don't have to carry any burden.
Ok??Smile for me. Smiles can heal dark scars of the past. That's my answer. I love you, nowand forever.
Cady cried with all her heart and lived as a happy girl with her first love in her HEART. I dedicate this to all of my love that don't love me.


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